I was so fortunate to receive some funding from Leeds University and after some (I lie, A LOT of) research, I bought myself a microscope. I knew that I would be working straight from what I saw from under the microscope so I wanted ‘something’ to enable me to look at the water samples on my laptop screen. As an abstract painter, I always use photography as the first source of investigation so this was key for me. I found out that I needed a photomicrographic camera lens!!! So, after I purchased the microscope and the lens, I now had to teach myself how to use it and let me tell you, this was no easy task and still isn’t tbh. I really want to have some kind of mentoring going forward but that’s another conversation for further down the blog.
After many, many attempts of turning nobs, lens, switches etc. I managed it- I managed to see something!!! So, my microscope has three lens, 10 x, 40 x and 100 x and it is just amazing to see what lives in the water and moving!!! Below are some of the first images I got- don’t ask me what they mean or what they are (another question for another day) but what I thought was amazing was that everything was green and purple. Funnily, Ciarán said, that the green diesel was made up of components with the main colours being green and purple- so maybe I was on the right road…